Content coming soon!
Date of Investigation:  November 1st & 3rd, 2011

Investigators: Jonathan Hodges and Kevin Lynn
Location: St. Louis, MO. - Lemp Mansion
Location: Alton, IL. - McPike Mansion

Date of Investigation: November 1st & 3rd, 2011

Investigators: Jonathan Hodges & Kevin Lynn

Areas of Focused Investigation: Lemp Mansion areas include the Elsa Lemp Suite, 2nd floor landing, the entire first floor, the entire basement area with restaurant seating and outdoors near the gazebo.

McPike Mansion areas include a focusing on the basement and cellar with additional limited investigation of the grounds and first floor of the mansion.

Investigation: Coming soon!!!!!!

During an EVP session Kevin is receiving a very high EMF reading in the seating area on the basement floor. As he goes to place the EMF gauge on the table you will hear a series of knocks and a high pitched drawn out "Hhhhhhey" followed by a voice saying "Oooooooo!"

Madco Paranormal during the night invited a couple of hotel guests to participate in the investigation in the basement and during that time, Angie shown in the above video seems to have attracted a curious spirit. A question is posed whether or not Angie looked like someone it knew. A response is immediately whispered "Yeah."
Lemp Mansion Evidence
McPike Mansion
Lemp Mansion

During our Lemp Mansion investigation Kevin and Jon separate. Jon remains on the main floor in one of the front parlor rooms while Kevin travels to the basement to explore a new area. As Kevin starts down the stairs you will notice a black mass quickly shoot from right to left just before the shadow of Kevin's legs come into frame.

While investigating the basement floor and some odd activity down there, you will hear a voice come from very near the recording device say "Think."

While preparing to explore another section of the mansion Kevin grabs the Ghost Box from Jon to lighten his load on equipment. Just after grabbing the device you will hear a spirit say "What is that?"
McPike Mansion Evidence

While in separate areas of the basement at McPike mansion a spirit speaks out next to Kevin saying "It's Me."

Possibly our oddest piece of audio evidence at the mansion was captured near the staircase that leads up to the main floor of the house. Kevin is speaking and making reference to Jon not to stand in front of a camera we have set up near the base of the stairs. I voice immediately follows from near Kevin as almost to say to Jon "You in front of, know what I mean."

While setting up for the night in the basement, you hear a male voice as soon as Kevin sets the K2 meter down.  Email us what you think it might say.

This was captured in the wine cellar.  We are inviting Mr. McPike to join us.  We receive a direct response that seems to say "I'm Here".

This video was shocking on MadCO's evidence review.  Kevin and Jon are in the Wine Cellar and just had the K2 light up for the first time during an evp session.  Jon asks whoever was present with them to waive their hand over the K2 meter and try to make it go off again.  The K2 is sitting in the white chair that is in frame.  Watch as a shadow arm and hand come out of the darkness towards the K2!  Remember that Kevin and Jon are sitting in complete darkness and the only light that you see is from the infra-red night vision camera.

Captured in the basement.  Seems to be a child asking "Can We Play Marbles".

Even thought the voice sounds very strange, almost on a different frequency, we thought it possible was saying "I've Killed". 

This evp was captured outside while walking around the grounds of the McPike Mansion.  We both heard a voice beside us and our recorder appears to have captured a distinct "Hey".

This evp was also captured outside close to the same time as the one above.  You hear a quick "Hey" again at the beginning but listen for the female voice that comes in.  It is only Kevin and Jon there and no females were present.

As mentioned above, our guest investigators, Ryan and Angie, attracted some paranormal attention that night.  Listen to this evp say "Angie can't leave".

Kevin and Jon are investigating the basement when Jon hears footsteps coming down the stairs. He comments that it must be someone coming down and you actually hear a female speak.  Jon positions the camera expecting someone to walk into the room, but no one ever does.  If someone had actually come down the stairs, they would have had to enter the room.  One way down, one way up.

While investigating the kitchen area in the basement, listen to this disturbing evp that says "Dead".

Listen after guest investigator Angie says "I felt weird".  You hear a voice behind her that says "Help Them".

Jon is investigating the First Floor alone and receives a K2 hit.  He recieves a direct response to his question.  Voice says "Yeah".

Jon is still investigating the First Floor when he receives multiple evps in this one clip.  We hear "Help Me" first, then a voice says "Outside.......", then another Help Me.

This is a response to a direct question while investigating the front parlor.  Jon asks if any of the Lemp family are with him tonight and faintly you hear a female response say "Sure".

In a continuation of the clip to the left, just a few seconds later as we are walking you will hear a set of footsteps running over the top of our own footsteps. You will also hear a female spirit say "Anybody up There."